U.S. Commercial number 10 (COM 10) envelopes and European DL envelopes are recommended. You may be able to stack envelopes of other sizes in the sheet feeder; however, Canon cannot guarantee consistent performance on envelope sizes other than COM10 and DL.
The following envelopes are not recommended because they may cause jams or smears, or may damage your printer:
§Envelopes with windows, holes, perforations, cutouts, and double flaps.
§Envelopes made with special coated paper or deeply embossed paper.
§Envelopes using
§Envelopes in which letters have been enclosed.
Preparing Your Software
How you create envelopes within your software application depends on the application. See your application's documentation for details.
If you are using the
Check your software to see if it prints envelopes in portrait or landscape orientation. It's a good idea to print on a sheet of paper before printing on an envelope to check the orientation.
Printing on envelopes in portrait orientation results in faster printing. However, several software packages, such as WordPerfect and Word for Windows, default to landscape orientation. This requires adjustments in the software to correctly print on envelopes with this printer. See Appendix B, Application Notes, for details.
Turning On the Printer's Envelope Mode
If you are not using Windows and your software application does not have an envelope feature, you can turn on the printer's envelope mode using the operator panel. Follow these steps:
1.Make sure the printer is turned on and
2.Turn on the envelope mode:
§Press and hold the LF/FF button and press the ON LINE button.