Plug-in Module CS-U Special Features
•See the Results of Adjustments Immediately (Dynamic Preview)
Once in preview mode, the results of adjustments to scan mode settings and colors are promptly reflected in the preview image.
Highly detailed adjustments can be performed easily because you can see the results of your changes as they are executed.
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•Supports ColorSync™ 2.0 or higher Auto Tone Correction
Supports ColorSync for the Macintosh operating system. Achieves superior color quality by automatically compensating for and aligning the tones of various devices, such as scanners, color displays and color printers.
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•Browser Function Permits Confirmation of the Real Image
Before Scanning
The Browser function lets you check the image to be scanned in detail before commencing the scan. This function presents a much higher quality image than the preview function.
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•Histogram Function Realizes Beautiful Contrast
Simple operation allows you to achieve beautiful contrast with
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•Gamma Curve Adjusts Image Brightness
The Gamma Curve feature provides four methods you can use to refine in detail the level of image brightness until you are satisfied with the results.
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•Works within Image Processing Software for Easy Image Editing