Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8.5.x
Chapter 11 Circuits and Tunnels
11.2 Circuit Properties
Size—The circuit size. VT circuits are 1.5. STS circuit si zes are 1, 3c, 6c, 9c, 12c, 24c, 36c, 48c,
and 192c. OCHNC sizes are Equipped non specific, Multi-rate, 2.5 Gbps No FEC (forward error
correction), 2.5 Gbps FEC, 10 Gbps No FEC, and 10 Gbps FEC ( OCHNC is DWDM only; refer to
the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM ProcedureGuide). VCAT circuits are VT1.5-nv, STS-1-nv, STS-3c-nv,
and STS-12c-nv, where n is the number of members. For time slot availability on concatenated STSs,
see the “11.2.1 Concatenated STS Time Slot Assignments” section on page 11-4.
OCHNC Wlen—For OCHNCs, the wavelength provisioned for the optical channel network
connection. For more information, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide.
Direction—The circuit direction, either two-way or one-way.
OCHNC Dir—For OCHNCs, the direction of the optical channel network connection, either east to
west or west to east. For more information, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Procedure Guide.
Protection—The type of circuit protection. See the “11.2.4 Circuit Protecti on Types” section on
page 11-9 for a list of protection types.
Status—The circuit status. See the “11.2.2 Circuit Status” section on p age 11-6.
Source—The circuit source in the format: node/slot/port “port name”/STS/VT. (The port name
appears in quotes.) Node and slot always appear; port “port name”/STS/VT might appear, depending
on the source card, circuit type, and whether a name is assigned to the port. For the OC192-XFP and
MRC-12 cards, the port appears as port pluggable module (PPM)-port. If the circu it size is a
concatenated size (3c, 6c, 12c, etc.), STSs used in the circuit are indicated by an ellipsis, for
example, S7..9, (STSs 7, 8, and 9) or S10..12 (STS 10, 11, and 12).
Destination—The circuit destination in the same format as the circuit source.
# of VLANS—The number of VLANs used by an Ethernet circuit.
# of Spans—The number of internode links that constitute the circuit. Right-clicking the column
shows a shortcut menu from which you can choose Span Details to show or hide circuit span detail.
For each node in the span, the span detail shows the node/slot (card type)/port/STS/VT.
State—The circuit state. See the “11.2.3 Circuit States” section on page 11-7.
The Filter button allows you to filter the circuits in network, node, or card view based on circuit name,
size, type, direction, and other attributes. In addition, you can export th e Circuit window data in HTML,
comma-separated values (CSV), or tab-separated values (TSV) format using the Export command from
the File menu.