Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8.5.x
Appendix C Network Element Defaults
C.3 Node Default Settings
NODE.security.passwordChange.NewPasswordMustDifferFromOldByNCharacters 1
1 - 5
NODE.security.passwordChange.PreventReusingLastNPasswords 1 (times) 1 - 10
NODE.security.passwordChange.RequirePasswordChangeOnFirstLoginToNewAccount FALSE TRUE, FALSE
NODE.security.passwordComplexity.IdenticalConsecutiveCharactersAllowed 3 or more 0-2, 3 or more
NODE.security.passwordComplexity.MaximumLength 20 20, 80
NODE.security.passwordComplexity.MinimumLength 6 6, 8, 10, 12
NODE.security.passwordComplexity.MinimumRequiredCharacters 1 num, 1
letter & 1
TL1 special
1 num, 1 letter &
1 TL1 special, 1
num, 1 letter & 1
special, 2 each of
any 2 of num,
upper, lower &
TL1 special, 2
each of any 2 of
num, upper,
lower & special
NODE.security.passwordComplexity.ReverseUserIdAllowed TRUE TRUE, FALSE
NODE.security.radiusServer.AccountingPort 1813 (port) 0 - 3276 7
NODE.security.radiusServer.AuthenticationPort 1812 (port) 0 - 3276 7
NODE.security.radiusServer.EnableNodeAsFinalAuthenticator TRUE FALSE, TRUE
NODE.security.serialCraftAccess.EnableCraftPort TRUE TRUE, FALSE
NODE.security.shellAccess.AccessState NonSecure Disabled,
NODE.security.shellAccess.EnableShellPassword FALSE TRUE, FALSE
NODE.security.shellAccess.TelnetPort 23 23 - 9999
NODE.security.snmpAccess.AccessState NonSecure Disabled,
NODE.security.tl1Access.AccessState NonSecure Disabled,
NODE.security.userLockout.FailedLoginsAllowedBeforeLockout 5 (times) 0 - 10
NODE.security.userLockout.LockoutDuration 00:30
00:00, 00:05,
00:10 .. 10:00
NODE.security.userLockout.ManualUnlockBySuperuser FALSE TRUE, FALSE
NODE.software.AllowDelayedUpgrades FALSE FALSE, TRUE
Table C-21 Node Default Settings (continued)
Default Name Default Value Default Domain