Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8.5.x
Chapter 16 SNMP
16.6.3 Generic Threshold and Performance Monitoring MIBs
syntax of cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentIndex is type cerentLocation, defined in CERENT-TC.mib. The
syntax of cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentMonType is type cerentMonitor, defined in CERENT-TC.mib.
The syntax of cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentPeriod is type cerentPeriod, defined in CERE NT-TC.mib.
The cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentTable validates the current PM value using the
cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentValid object and registers the number of valid intervals with historical PM
statistics in the cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentValidIntervals object.
PM values are provided in 64-bit and 32-bit formats. The 64-bit values in
cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentHCValue can be used with agents that support SNMPv2. The two 32-bit
values (cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentValue and cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentOverFlowValue) can be
used by NMS that only support SNMPv1. The cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentTable is shown in
Table 16-5.
The third table in the MIB, cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalTable, obtains historic PM values for the
monitor types. It validates the current PM value in the cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalValid object. This
table is indexed based on interface index (cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalIndex), monitor type
(cerentGenericPMStatsIntervalMonType), location (cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalLocation), and period
(cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalPeriod). The syntax of cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalIndex is type
cerentLocation, defined in CERENT-TC.mib. The syntax of cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalMonType is
type cerentMonitor, defined in CERENT-TC.mib. The syntax of cerentGernicPmStatsIntervalPeriod is
type cerentPeriod, defined in CERENT-TC.mib.
The table provides historic PM values in 64-bit and 32-bit formats. The 64-bit values contained in the
cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalHCValue table can be used with SNMPv2 agents. The two 32-bit values
(cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalValue and cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalOverFlowValue) can be used by
SNMPv1 NMS. The cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalTable is shown in Table 16-6.
Table 16-5 32-Bit cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentTable
Index Objects Informational Objects
cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentIndex cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentValue
cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentMonType cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentOverFlowValue
cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentLocation cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentHCValue
cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentPeriod cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentValidData
— cerentGenericPmStatsCurrentValidIntervals
Table 16-6 32-Bit cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalTable
Index Objects Informational Objects
cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalIndex cerentG enericPmStatsIntervalValue
cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalMonType cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalOverFlowValue
cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalLocation cer entGenericPmStatsIntervalHCValue
cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalPeriod cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalValidData
cerentGenericPmStatsIntervalNumber —