Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8.5.x
Appendix C Network Element Defaults
C.2.2 Threshold Defaults
Note MRC-12 and MRC-2.5G-4 line configuration defaults are defined on a per OC-N rate basis.
SONET STS—(OC-N and EC1-12 cards) SONET STS-level configuration settings.
Port—(FC_MR-4 cards only) Port line-level configuration, distance extension, and enhanced
FC/FICON ISL settings.
Card—(DS1/E1-56, ML-series, and FC_MR-4 cards) Transport mode, operating mode,
enable/disable retiming, and port to Virtual Tributary (VT) mapping standard settings (DS1/E1-56
only); or FC_MR-4 card mode settings (FC_MR-4 only); or framing mode (ML-series cards).
DS1—(DS3XM-12 cards only) DS-1 rate virtual port-level line configuration settings.
Broadband Ports—(DS3/EC1-48 cards only) Set the port rate as DS3, EC1, or unassigned (DS3 is
the default).
DS3—(DS3/EC1-48 cards only) DS-3 rate port-level line configuration settings.
EC1—(DS3/EC1-48 cards only) EC-1 rate port-level line configuration, section trace, and SO NET
STS settings.
ALS (card-level Maintenance > ALS tab)—(OC3-8, OC-48ELR, OC-192, OC192-XFP,
MRC-2.5G-4, and MRC-12 cards) ALS configuration defaults.
IOS (card-level IOS tab)—(ML-series and RAN-SVC cards) Console port and R ADIUS server
access settings.
Ether Ports—(CE-series cards) Line configuration settings (including 802 cla ss of service [IEEE
802.1p CoS] and IP type of service [ToS]).
POS Ports—(CE-series cards) Line configuration settings.
Note Line configuration defaults for the CE-100T-8 card apply to both Ethernet port and packet-over-SONET
(POS) port settings where the same setting exists for both.
Note For further information about each card, consult the appropriate card reference chapter, that is,Chapter 3,
“Electrical Cards,” Chapter 4, “Optical Cards,” Chapter 5, “Ethernet Cards,” and Chapter 6, “Storage
Access Networking Cards.”
Note For further information about IOS configuration defaults for ML-series cards, refer to the
Cisco ONS 15454 and Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration
C.2.2 Threshold Defaults
Threshold default settings define the default cumulative values (thresholds) b eyond which a threshold
crossing alert (TCA) will be raised, making it possible to monitor the network and detect errors early.
Card threshold default settings are provided as follows:
PM thresholds—(DS-N, EC-1, OC-N, MRC-2.5G-4, and MRC-12 cards) Can be expressed in
counts or seconds; includes line, electrical path, and SONET thresholds.