Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8.5.x
Chapter 15 Performance Monitoring
15.6.4 CE-Series Ethernet Card Performance Monitoring Parameters
15.6.4 CE-Series Ethernet Card Performance Monitoring Parameters
CTC provides Ethernet performance information, including line-level parameters, port bandw idth
consumption, and historical Ethernet statistics. The CE-Series card Ethe rnet performance information is
divided into Ether Ports and POS Ports tabbed windows within the card view Performance tab window.
rprClientStatsOutBcastFrames Number of client to MAC broadcast frames. This is used only when
deriving the multicast and broadcast packet counters for the interface
rprErrorStatsBadParityFrames Number of received (PHY to MAC) frames parity value not matching
the expected parity value
rprErrorStatsBadHecFrames The number of received (PHY to MAC) frames with HEC error
rprErrorStatsTtlExpFrames The number of received (PHY to MAC) frames that were dropped due
to zero Time To Live (TTL).
rprErrorStatsTooLongFrames The number of received (PHY to MAC) frames that exceed the
maximum permitted frame size.
rprErrorStatsTooShortFrames The number of received (PHY to MAC) frames shortest than the
minimum permitted frame size.
rprErrorStatsBadFcsFrames The number of received (PHY to MAC) data and control frames
where the fcs value did not match the expected fcs value.
The number of received (PHY to MAC) unicast frames that were
transmitted by the station itself. That is, the source MAC is equal to
the interface MAC.
rprErrorStatsPmdAbortFrames The number of received (PHY to MAC) frames that were aborted by
the PMD.
rprErrorStatsBadAddrFrames The number of received (PHY to MAC) frames with invalid SA
rprErrorStatsContainedFrames The number of received (PHY to MAC) frames that were removed
due to context containment.
rprErrorStatsScffErrors The number of received (PHY to MAC) errored SCFF, with bad
parity, bad FCS, or both.
gpfStatsCSFRaised The number of total received client management frames.
gfpStatsLFDRaised The number of Core HEC CRC Multiple Bit Errors.
Note This count is only for cHEC multiple bit error when in frame.
It is a count of when the state machine goes out of frame.
rprPortCounterError Packets dropped internally by the network processor.
Table 15-20 ML-Series RPR Span Parameters for 802.17 MIB (continued)
Parameter Meaning