Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8.5.x
Chapter 16 SNMP
16.10.1 64-Bit RMON Monitoring over DCC
ONS 15454 system RMON is based on the IETF-standard MIB RFC 2819 and includes the following
five groups from the standard MIB: Ethernet Statistics, History Control, Ethe rnet History, Alarm, and
Certain statistics measured on the ML card are mapped to standard MIB if one exists else mapped to a
non standard MIB variable. The naming convention used by the standarad/non-standard MIB is not the
same as the statistics variable used by the card. Hence when these statistics are obtained via
get-reques/get-next-request/SNMP Trap they don’t match the name used on the card or as seen by
For ex: STATS_MediaIndStatsRxFramesTooLong stats is mapped to
cMediaIndependentInFramesTooLong variable in CERENT MIB. STATS_RxTotalPkts is mapped t o
mediaIndependentInPkts in HC-RMON-rfc3273.mib
16.10.1 64-Bit RMON Monitoring over DCC
The ONS 15454 DCC is implemented over the IP protocol, which is not compatible with Ethernet. The
system builds Ethernet equipment History and Statistics tables using high data level control (HDLC)
statistics that are gathered over the data communications channel (DCC) that is running point-to-point
protocol (PPP). RMON DCC monitors the health of remote DCC connections for IP and Ethernet.
RMON DCC contains two MIBS for DCC interfaces. They are:
cMediaIndependentTable—standard, RFC3273; the proprietary extension of the HC-RMON MIB
used for reporting statistics
cMediaIndependentHistoryTable—proprietary MIB used to support history Row Creation in MediaIndependentTable

The SetRequest PDU contains all needed values to activate a row of the mediaIndependentTable in a
single operation as well as assign the status variable to createRequest (2). In order to create the row and
status, the SetRequest PDU for entry creation must have a value of zero for each of the object IDs. That
is, all object IDs (OIDs) should be of the type OID.0.
In order to create a row, the SetRequest PDU should contain the following:
mediaIndependentDataSource and its desired value
mediaIndependentOwner and its desired value (up to 32 chara cters)
mediaIndependentStatus with a value of createRequest (2 )
The mediaIndependentTable creates a row if the SetRequest PDU is valid according to thes e rules. The
SNMP agent decides the value of mediaIndependentIndex when the row is created, and a value can
change if an Ethernet interface is added or deleted. The values are not sequentially allotted or
contiguously numbered. The newly created row will have an mediaIndepen dentTable value of valid (1).
If the row already exists, or if the SetRequest PDU values are insufficient or do not make sense, the
SNMP agent returns an error code.
Note mediaIndependentTable entries are not preserved if the SNMP agent is resta rted.
The mediaIndependentTable deletes a row if the SetRequest PDU contains a mediaIndependentStatus
with a value of invalid (4). The varbind’s OID instance value identifies the row for deletion. You can
recreate a deleted row in the table if desired.