Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual, R8.5.x
Chapter 12 SONET Topologies and Upgrades
12.11.1 Span Upgrade Wizard
Note Span upgrades do not upgrade SONET topologies (for example, a 1+1 group to a two-fiber BLSR). Refer
to the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide for topology upgrade procedures.

12.11.1 Span Upgrade Wizard

The Span Upgrade Wizard automates all steps in the manual span upgrade procedure (BLSR, path
protection, and 1+1). The wizard can upgrade both lines on one side of a four-fiber BLSR or both lines
of a 1+1 group; the wizard upgrades path protection configura tions and two-fiber BLSRs one line at a
time. The Span Upgrade Wizard requires that all working spans have DCC enabled.
The Span Upgrade Wizard provides no way to back out of an upgrade. In the case of a n error, you must
exit the wizard and initiate the manual procedure to either continue with the upgrade or back out of it.
To continue with the manual procedure, examine the standing conditions and alarms to identify the stage
in which the wizard failure occurred.

12.11.2 Manual Span Upgrades

Manual span upgrades are mainly provided as error recovery for the Span Upgrade Wizard, but they can
be used to perform span upgrades. Downgrading can be performed to back out of a span upgrade. The
procedure for downgrading is the same as upgrading except that you choose a l ower-rate card type. You
cannot downgrade if circuits exist on the STSs that will be removed (the higher STSs).
Procedures for manual span upgrades can be found in the “ Upgrade Cards and Spans” chapter in the
Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide. Five manual span upgrade options are available:
Upgrade on a two-fiber BLSR
Upgrade on a four-fiber BLSR
Upgrade on a path protection configuration
Upgrade on a 1+1 protection group
Upgrade on an unprotected span
12.12 In-Service Topology Upgrades
Topology upgrades can be performed in-service to convert a live network to a different topology. An
in-service topology upgrade is potentially service-affecting, and generally allows a traffic hit of 50 ms
or less. Traffic might not be protected during the upgrade. The following i n-service topology upgrades
are supported:
Unprotected point-to-point or linear ADM to path protection
Point-to-point or linear ADM to two-fiber BLSR
Path protection to two-fiber BLSR
Two-fiber to four-fiber BLSR
Node addition or removal from an existing topology
You can perform in-service topology upgrades irrespective of the service state of the involved
cross-connects or circuits; however, a circuit must have a DISCOVERED status.