Appendix B Initial Configuration for the Switch
Entering the Initial Configuration Information
Performing the Initial Configuration
Follow these steps to complete the initial configuration for the switch:
Step 1 At the terminal prompt, enter the enable command to enter privileged exec mode:
Switch> enable
Password: password
Step 2 Set the system time using the clock set command in privileged EXEC mode.
Switch# clock set 20:09:01 3 Apr 2006
Step 3 Verify the change by entering the show clock command.
Switch# show clock
20:09:06.079 UTC Thu Apr 3 2006
Step 4 Enter the configure terminal command to enter global configuration mode.
Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch (config)#
Step 5 Configure a host name for the switch, and press Return.
Switch (config)# hostname Switch1
Step 6 Configure the system prompt for the switch, and press Return. To remove the new prompt and return the prompt to its default, use the no prompt command.
Switch (config)# prompt Switch1>
Step 7 Use the banner motd global configuration command to set location information in the login banner. You can also set a system contact using this command.
Switch1(config)# banner motd c 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA c
Switch1 (config)# banner motd c 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA; Tech Support 408 123 4567 c
Step 8 Configure an enable secret password, and press Return.
| Catalyst 4900 Series Switch Installation Guide |
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