Configuring Device Security
Defining Authentication
ESW 500 Series Switches Administration Guide 120
-Use Default — Uses the default value for the parameter. If Use Default
check box is selected, th e global valu e of is us ed and interpre ted
as a request to use the IP address of the outgoing IP interface.
•Key String — Defines the authentication and encryption key for TACACS+
server. The key must match the encryption key used on the TACACS+ server.
The possible values are:
-User Defined — Allows the user to define the Key String value.
-Use Default — Uses the default value for the parameter. If Use Default
check box is selected, the global value is used which is an empty string.
•Authentication Port — Defines the port number through which the TACACS+
session occurs. The default is port 49.
•Time out for Rep ly — Defines the amount of time that passes b efore the
connection between the device and the TACACS+ server times out. The field
range is 1-30 seconds.
-User Defined — Allows the user to define the Timeout for Reply value.
-Use Default — Uses the default value for the parameter. If Use Default
check box is selected, the default is 5 seconds.
•Single Connection — Enables a single open connection between the device
and the TACACS+ server when selected.
STEP 3 Define the relevant fields.
STEP4 Click Apply. The TACACS+ server is added, and the device is updated.
Modifying TACACS+ Settings
STEP1 Click Security > Authentication > TACACS+. The
TAC AC S+ Pa ge
STEP 2 Click the Edit Button. The
Edit TACACS+ Server Page