Configuring Device Security
Defining 802.1x
ESW 500 Series Switches Administration Guide 150
STEP1 Click Security > 802.1X > Port Authentication. The
802.1X Port Authentication
802.1X Port Authentication Page
802.1X Port Authentication Page
contains the following fields:
•Copy From Entry Number — Copies the port authentication configuration from
the specified table entry.
•To Entry Number(s) — Assigns the copied port authentication configuration to
the specified table entry.
•Port — Displays the list of interfaces.
•User Name — Displays the user name.
•Current Port Control — Displays the current port authorization state.
•Guest VLAN — Displays the Guest VLAN.
•Authentication Method — Displays the authentication method in use. The
possible field values are:
802.1x Only
— Enables only 802.1x authentication on the device.
MAC Only
— Enables only MAC Authentication on the device.