Configuring Quality of Service
Managing QoS Statistics
ESW 500 Series Switches Administration Guide 302
•Traffic Cl assific ation — Classifies each incoming packet as belonging to a
given traffic class, based on the packet contents and/or the context.
•Assignment to H ardware Queu es — Assigns incoming packets to forwarding
queues. Packets are sent to a particular queue for handling as a function of the
traffic class to which they belong, as defined by the classification mechanism.
•Traffic Class-Handling Attributes — Applies QoS/CoS mechanisms to different
classes, including: Bandwidth Management
The Quality of Service section contains the following topics:
•Managing QoS Statistics
•Defining General Settings
•Defining Advanced QoS Mode
Managing QoS StatisticsThe QoS Statistics section contains the following pages:
•Policer Statistics
•Aggregated Policer Statistics
•Queues Statistics
Policer Statistics
Policer Stati stics Page
indicates the amount of in-profile and out-of-profile
packets that are received on an interface.
To add policer statistics: