Viewing Statistics
Viewing Ethernet Statistics
ESW 500 Series Switches Administration Guide 404
To v ie w t he EA P S ta ti st ic s:
STEP1 Click Statistics > Ethernet > EAP. The
EAP Page
EAP Page
The EAP Page contains the following fields:
Port — Indicates the port which is polled for statistics.
Refresh Rate — Defines the amount of time that passes before the EAP
statistics are refreshed. The possible field values are:
15 Sec
— Indicates that the EAP statistics are refreshed every 15
30 Sec
— Indicates that the EAP statistics are refreshed every 30
60 Sec
— Indicates that the EAP statistics are refreshed every 60
No Refresh
— Indicates that the EAP statistics are not refreshed.
Frames Received — Indicates the number of valid EAPOL frames received on
the port.