Configuring Device Security
Defining 802.1x
ESW 500 Series Switches Administration Guide 157

Modifying Authentication Settings

STEP1 Click Security > 802.1X > Authentication. The

802.1X Port Authentication Page

STEP 2 Click the Edit button. The

Edit Authentication Page

Edit Authentication Page

Edit Authentication Page

contains the following fields:
Port — Displays the port number for which advanced port-based
authentication is enabled.
Host Authentication — Defines the Host Authentication mode. The possible
field values are:


— Only the authorized host can access the port.

Multiple Host

— Multiple hosts can be attached to a single 802.1x-
enabled port. Only one host must be authorized for all hosts to access
the network. If the host authentication fails, or an EAPOL-logoff message
is received, all attached clients are denied access to the network.

Multi Session

— Enables number of specific authorized hosts to get
access to the port. Filtering is based on the source MAC address.
Action on Violation — Defines the action to be applied to packets arriving in
single-host mode, from a host whose MAC address is not the supplicant MAC
address. The possible field values are:


— Forwards the packet.