IGX Configuration Summary
Figure 3-22 illustrates the sequence of using addshelf either locally or remotely to add one or more interface shelves. To delete an interface shelf, use delshelf after you delete connections and the active interfaces. To view status of an interface shelf, execute dspnode at the routing hub. (The dspnw command shows an alarm on a node but does not specify an interface shelf.)
Figure 3-22 Add an Interface Shelf from the Hub
Log on to
a node
Local or
remote? Local
| Remote |
VT |
| |
| |
node? No
Adding Connections in a Tiered Network through the CLI
Adding a connection in a tiered network requires that you add local segments and a network segment. The following steps illustrate the setup for each segment for an interworking connection:
Step 1 For segment 1:
addcon slot.port.DLCI local_nodename slot.vpi1.vci1
where the first slot has a Frame Relay card, and the second slot has a BTM. (In an IGX interface shelf, the only card that supports the trunk to the hub is the BTM.)
Step 2 The network segment:
addcon slot.port.vpi1.vci1 remote_nodename slot.port.vpi2.vci2
where the card in slot is a BNI
Step 3 For segment 2:
addcon slot.vpi2.vci2 local_nodename slot.port.DLCI
where the second slot is a Frame Relay card.
Note that the vpi and vci need to match only at the segment on the local interface shelf. Apart from this requirement, the vpi.vci on segment 1 can also be the same as the vci.vpi on segment 2.
Converting a Routing Node to an Interface Shelf
To convert a routing node to an interface shelf, first remove the routing node from the network by deleting all connections then deleting and downing all lines and trunks. Refer to Cisco WAN Manager documentation or the Cisco WAN Switching Command Reference for instructions. In the command reference, check the chapters by topic (ATM connections, Frame Relay connections, trunks, and so on) for the applicable command descriptions. Next, you need to add the node as an interface shelf. Refer to the section “Configuring an IGX Switch to Be an Interface Shelf” page 51 for instructions.