IGX Configuration Summary
—Set up any subrate trunk interface control templates if desired (cnftrkict).
•For setting up voice lines:
—Activate the line (upcln or upln).
—Configure the line ( cnfln ). If you use cnfln to configure the line for voice SVC caching in conjunction with VNS, see to the VNS documentation for a description of this service and the CVM or UVM description in the Cisco IGX 8400 Series Reference for
—Configure redundancy ( addyred).
•For setting up data lines and ports:
—Activate the line (upcln).
—Configure the line ( cnfcln).
—Configure redundancy ( addyred).
•Set up Frame Relay lines and ports. (See the section “Setting Up Frame Relay Ports and Connections (UFM)” or “Setting Up Frame Relay Ports and Connections (FRM)” for a description.)
—Activate each port (upfrport).
—Specify a mode for the card as needed if the card is a
•For setting up ATM lines and ports:
—Activate the line (upln).
—Configure the line ( cnfln ).
—Activate the ports (upport).
—Configure the ports ( cnfport)
—For a
•For setting up voice connections:
—Add the connections (addcon).
—Configure connection parameters ( cnfvchadv, cnfchdl, cnfchec, cnfchgn, cnfcond, cnfcondsc, cnfrcvsig, cnfsmtsig, cnfvchtp, cnfchutl)
—For only the UVM, additional configuration commands you can use are: ( cnfuvmchparm, cnfchfax, cnflnpass . (Use dsplncnf to check whether the port is configured for External,