Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Sensor CLI Configuration Guide for IPS 7.2
Appendix C Troubleshooting
Gathering Information
Statistics for Signature Events
Number of SigEvents since reset = 0
Statistics for Actions executed on a SigEvent
Number of Alerts written to the IdsEventStore = 0
Inspection Stats
Inspector active call create delete loadPct
AtomicAdvanced 0 2312 4 4 33
Fixed 0 1659 1606 1606 1
MSRPC_TCP 0 20 4 4 0
MSRPC_UDP 0 1808 1575 1575 0
MultiString 0 145 10 10 2
ServiceDnsUdp 0 1841 3 3 0
ServiceGeneric 0 2016 14 14 1
ServiceHttp 0 2 2 2 51
ServiceNtp 0 3682 3176 3176 0
ServiceP2PTCP 0 21 9 9 0
ServiceRpcUDP 0 1841 3 3 0
ServiceRpcTCP 0 130 9 9 0
ServiceSMBAdvanced 0 139 3 3 0
ServiceSnmp 0 1841 3 3 0
ServiceTNS 0 18 14 14 0
String 0 225 16 16 0
SweepUDP 0 1808 1555 1555 6
SweepTCP 0 576 17 17 0
SweepOtherTcp 0 288 6 6 0
TrojanBO2K 0 261 11 11 0
TrojanUdp 0 1808 1555 1555 0
SwVersion = 7.1(4.70)E4
SigVersion = 645.0
DatabaseRecordCount = 0
DatabaseVersion = 0
RuleVersion = 0
ReputationFilterVersion = 0
AlertsWithHit = 0
AlertsWithMiss = 0
AlertsWithModifiedRiskRating = 0
AlertsWithGlobalCorrelationDenyAttacker = 0
AlertsWithGlobalCorrelationDenyPacket = 0
AlertsWithGlobalCorrelationOtherAction = 0
AlertsWithAuditRepDenies = 0
ReputationForcedAlerts = 0
EventStoreInsertTotal = 0
EventStoreInsertWithHit = 0
EventStoreInsertWithMiss = 0
EventStoreDenyFromGlobalCorrelation = 0
EventStoreDenyFromOverride = 0
EventStoreDenyFromOverlap = 0
EventStoreDenyFromOther = 0
ReputationFilterDataSize = 0
ReputationFilterPacketsInput = 0
ReputationFilterRuleMatch = 0
DenyFilterHitsNormal = 0
DenyFilterHitsGlobalCorrelation = 0
SimulatedReputationFilterPacketsInput = 0
SimulatedReputationFilterRuleMatch = 0
SimulatedDenyFilterInsert = 0
SimulatedDenyFilterPacketsInput = 0
SimulatedDenyFilterRuleMatch = 0
TcpDeniesDueToGlobalCorrelation = 0
TcpDeniesDueToOverride = 0
TcpDeniesDueToOverlap = 0
TcpDeniesDueToOther = 0