Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 38 Clientless SSL VPN
SSL VPN Client Settings
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Add/Edit SSL VPN Client Profiles
In this window, you can specify the path of a file on the local computer or in flash memory of the security
appliance that you want to identify as an SSL VPN client profile. These profiles display host information
in the AnyConnect VPN Client user interface. You can also browse the local computer or the flash
memory of the security appliance for a file to identify.
Profile Name—Associates a name with the XML file that appears in the table. Provide any name
that makes it easy for you to remember the hosts identified in the XML profile file.
Profile Package—Identifies the filename of the file in flash memory on the local computer that you
want to identify as an SSL VPN client profile.
Browse Flash—Displays the Browse Flash Dialog window where you can view all the files on flash
memory of the security appliance and where you can select a file to identify as a profile.
Upload File—Initiates the file upload.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Upload Package
In this window, you can specify the path of a file on the local computer or in flash memory of the security
appliance that you want to identify as an SSL VPN client profile. You can also browse the local computer
or the flash memory of the security appliance for a file to identify.
Local File Path—Identifies the filename of the file in on the local computer that you want to identify
as an SSL VPN client profile.
Browse Local Files—Displays the Select File Path window where you can view all the files on local
computer and where you can select a file to identify as a client profile.
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System