Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 33 Configuring Certificates
Manage User Database
Manage User Database
The Local CA user database contains user identification information and the status of each user in the
system (enrolled, allowed, revoked, etc.). With the Manage User Database window, you can add new
users, select specific users by username to edit user information, and you can delete existing users and
their certificates.
Whenever you add a user or modify any user’s status, The Local CA automatically updates the CRL to
reflect the latest changes.
To add a user to the Local CA Database, see Add a Local CA User.
To change user identification information for an existing user, see Edit a Local CA User.
To remove a user from the database, see Delete a Local CA User
To change the enrollment status of a user, see Allow Enrollment.
To e-mail One-Time-Passwords (OTPs) to a user, see Email OTP.
To view or regenerate a OTP, see View/Re-generate OTP.