Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 46 Monitoring Failover
Monitoring Failover in the System Execution Space
Monitoring Failover in the System Execution Space
You can monitor the failover status of the system and of the individual failover groups in the system
context. See the following topics for monitoring failover status from the system context:
Failover Group 1 and Failover Group 2
For More Information
For more information about failover in general, see Understanding Failover.


The System pane displays the failover state of the system. You can also control the failover state of the
system by:
Toggling the active/standby state of the device.
Resetting a failed device.
Reloading the standby unit.
Failover state of the system—Display only. Displays the failover state of the security appliance. The
information shown is the same output you would receive from the show failover command. The
following information is included in the display:
Failover—Displays “On” when failover is enabled, “Off” when failover is not enabled.
Cable Status—(PIX security appliance platform only) Displays the status of the serial failover cable.
The following shows possible cable states:
Normal—The cable is connected to both units, and they both have power.
My side not connected—The serial cable is not connected to this unit. It is unknown if the cable
is connected to the other unit.
Other side is not connected—The serial cable is connected to this unit, but not to the other unit.
Other side powered off—The other unit is turned off.
N/A—LAN-based failover is enabled.
Failover unit—Displays the role of the system in the failover pair, either “Primary” or “Secondary”.
Failover LAN Interface—Displays the logical and physical name of the LAN failover interface. If
you are using the dedicated failover cable on the PIX platform, this field displays “N/A -
Serial-based failover enabled”. If you have not yet configured the failover interface, this field
displays “Not configured”.
Unit Poll frequency/holdtime—Displays how often hello messages are sent on the failover link and
how long to wait before testing the peer for failure if no hello messages are received.
Interface Poll frequency—Displays the interval, in seconds, between hello messages on monitored
Interface Policy—Displays the number of interfaces that must fail before triggering failover.