Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 12 Configuring Multicast Routing
Neighbor Filter
The Neighbor Filter pane displays the PIM neighbor filters, if any, that are configured on the security
appliance. A PIM neighbor filter is an ACL that defines the neighbor devices that can participate in PIM.
If a neighbor filter is not configured for an interface, then there are no restrictions. If a PIM neighbor
filter is configured, only those neighbors permitted by the filter list can participate in PIM with the
security appliance.
When a PIM neighbor filter configuration is applied to the security appliance, an ACL appears in the
running configuration with the name interface-name_multicast, where the interface-name is the name of
the interface the multicast boundary filter is applied to. If an ACL with that name already exists, a
number is appended to the name, for example inside_multicast_1. This ACL defines which devices can
become PIM neighbors of the security appliance.
The PIM Neighbor Filter table displays the following information. Double-clicking an entry in the table
opens the Edit Neighbor Filter Entry dialog box for the selected entry.
Interface—Displays the name of the interface the PIM neighbor filter entry applies to.
Action—Display “permit” if the specified neighbors are allowed to participate in PIM. Displays
“deny” if the specified neighbors are prevented from participating in PIM.
Network Address—The network address of the neighbor or neighbors being permitted or denied.
Netmask—The network mask to use with the Network Address.
You can perform the following actions:
Insert—Click to insert a neighbor filter entry before the selected entry.
Add—Click to add a neighbor filter entry after the selected entry.
Edit—Click to edit the selected neighbor filter entry.
Delete—Click to remove the selected neighbor filter entry.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
For More Information
Add/Edit/Insert Neighbor Filter Entry, page 12-14
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System