Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 3 Defining Preferences and Using Configuration, Diagnostic, and File Management Tools
File Management Tools
Step 1 Create a folder or on your computer to store backup files so they will be easy to find if you have to restore
Step 2 Choose Tools > Backup Configurations.
ASDM opens the Backup Configurations dialog box.
By default, all files are checked and will be backed up if they are available. If you want to back up all of
the files in the list, go to Step 5.
Step 3 Uncheck the Backup All check box if you want to specify the configurations to back up.
Step 4 Check the options to customize the backup.
Step 5 Click Browse Local Directory.
The Select dialog box appears.
Step 6 Choose the path on your computer to specify the target destination for the zip file to package the backup.
Step 7 Click Select.
The path appears in the Local File field.
Step 8 Enter the name of the destination backup file after the path.
Step 9 Click Backup.