Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 2 Introduction to the Security Appliance
New Features by Platform Release
Table 2-3 lists the new features for Version 8.0(4).
Table 2-3 New Features for ASA and PIX Version 8.0(4)
Feature Description
Unified Communications Features1
Phone Proxy Phone Proxy functionality is supported. ASA Phone Proxy provides similar features to those of the
Metreos Cisco Unified Phone Proxy with additional support for SIP inspection and enhanced
security. The ASA Phone Proxy has the following key features:
Secures remote IP phones by forcing the phones to encrypt signaling and media
Performs certificate-based authentication with remote IP phones
Terminates TLS signaling from IP phones and initiates TCP and TLS to Cisco Unified Mobility
Advantage servers
Terminates SRTP and initiates RTP/SRTP to the called party
In ASDM, see Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > Encrypted Traffic Inspection > Enable
Phone Proxy.
Mobility Proxy Secure connectivity (mobility proxy) between Cisco Unified Mobility Advantage clients and
servers is supported.
Cisco Unified Mobility Advantage solutions include the Cisco Unified Mobile Communicator, an
easy-to-use software application for mobile handsets that extends enterprise communications
applications and services to mobile phones and smart phones and the Cisco Unified Mobility
Advantage server. The mobility solution streamlines the communication experience, enabling
real-time collaboration across the enterprise.
The ASA in this solution delivers inspection for the MMP (formerly called OLWP) protocol, the
proprietary protocol between Cisco Unified Mobile Communicator and Cisco Unified Mobility
Advantage. The ASA also acts as a TLS proxy, terminating and reoriginating the TLS signaling
between the Cisco Unified Mobile Communicator and Cisco Unified Mobility Advantage.
In ASDM, see Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > Encrypted Traffic Inspection > TLS Proxy.
Presence Federation
Secure connectivity (presence federation proxy) between Cisco Unified Presence servers and
Cisco/Microsoft Presence servers is supported. With the Presence solution, businesses can securely
connect their Cisco Unified Presence clients back to their enterprise networks, or share Presence
information between Presence servers in different enterprises.
The ASA delivers functionality to enable Presence for Internet and intra-enterprise
communications. An SSL-enabled Cisco Unified Presence client can establish an SSL connection
to the Presence Server. The ASA enables SSL connectivity between server to server
communication including third-party Presence servers communicating with Cisco Unified
Presence servers. Enterprises share Presence information, and can use IM applications. The ASA
inspects SIP messages between the servers.
In ASDM, see Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy Rules > Add/Edit Service Policy Rule >
Rule Actions > Protocol Inspection or Configuration > Firewall > Advanced > Encrypted Traffic
Inspection > TLS Proxy > Add > Client Configuration.
Remote Access Features