Cisco ASDM User Guide
Log Options 20-14
Configuring Ethertype Rules (Transparent Mode Only) 20-16
Add/Edit EtherType Rule 20-17
21 Configuring NAT 21-1
NAT Overview 21-1
Introduction to NAT 21-1
NAT in Routed Mode 21-2
NAT in Transparent Mode 21-3
NAT Control 21-4
NAT Types 21-6
Dynamic NAT 21-6
PAT 21-8
Static NAT 21-8
Static PAT 21-9
Bypassing NAT When NAT Control is Enabled 21-10
Policy NAT 21-10
NAT and Same Security Level Interfaces 21-12
Order of NAT Rules Used to Match Real Addresses 21-13
Mapped Address Guidelines 21-13
DNS and NAT 21-13
Configuring NAT Control 21-15
Using Dynamic NAT 21-16
Dynamic NAT Implementation 21-16
Real Addresses and Global Pools Paired Using a Pool ID 21-17
NAT Rules on Different Interfaces with the Same Global Pools 21-17
Global Pools on Different Interfaces with the Same Pool ID 21-18
Multiple NAT Rules with Different Global Pools on the Same Interface 21-18
Multiple Addresses in the Same Global Pool 21-19
Outside NAT 21-20
Real Addresses in a NAT Rule Must be Translated on All Lower or Same Security
Interfaces 21-21
Managing Global Pools 21-21
Configuring Dynamic NAT, PAT, or Identity NAT 21-22
Configuring Dynamic Policy NAT or PAT 21-24
Using Static NAT 21-26
Configuring Static NAT, PAT, or Identity NAT 21-27
Configuring Static Policy NAT, PAT, or Identity NAT 21-30
Using NAT Exemption 21-32