Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 16 Configuring Management Access
Configuring AAA for System Administrators
Configuring Commands on the TACACS+ Server
You can configure commands on a Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) TACACS+ server as a
shared profile component, for a group, or for individual users. For third-party TACACS+ servers, see
your server documentation for more information about command authorization support.
See the following guidelines for configuring commands in Cisco Secure ACS Version 3.1; many of these
guidelines also apply to third-party servers:
The security appliance sends the commands to be authorized as “shell” commands, so configure the
commands on the TACACS+ server as shell commands.
Note Cisco Secure ACS might include a command type called “pix-shell.” Do not use this type for
security appliance command authorization.
The first word of the command is considered to be the main command. All additional words are
considered to be arguments, which need to be preceded by permit or deny.
For example, to allow the show running-configuration aaa-server command, add show
running-configuration to the command box, and type permit aaa-server in the arguments box.
You can permit all arguments of a command that you do not explicitly deny by selecting the Permit
Unmatched Args check box.
For example, you can configure just the show command, and then all the show commands are
allowed. We recommend using this method so that you do not have to anticipate every variant of a
command, including abbreviations and ?, which shows CLI usage (see Figure 16-1).
Figure 16-1 Permitting All Related Commands
For commands that are a single word, you must permit unmatched arguments, even if there are no
arguments for the command, for example enable or help (see Figure 16-2).