Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 35 General
Configuring Clientless SSL VPN Connections
Add or Edit Clientless SSL VPN Connections > Advanced > Name Servers
The table on this dialog box shows the attributes of the already-configured NetBIOS servers. The Add
or Edit Tunnel Group window for Clientless SSL VPN access, NetBIOS dialog box, lets you configure
the NetBIOS attributes for the tunnel group. Clientless SSL VPN uses NetBIOS and the Common
Internet File System protocol to access or share files on remote systems. When you attempt a file-sharing
connection to a Windows computer by using its computer name, the file server you specify corresponds
to a specific NetBIOS name that identifies a resource on the network.
The security appliance queries NetBIOS name servers to map NetBIOS names to IP addresses. Clientless
SSL VPN requires NetBIOS to access or share files on remote systems.
To make the NBNS function operational, you must configure at least one NetBIOS server (host). You
can configure up to 3 NBNS servers for redundancy. The security appliance uses the first server on the
list for NetBIOS/CIFS name resolution. If the query fails, it uses the next server.
IP Address—Displays the IP addresses of configured NetBIOS servers.
Master Browser—Shows whether a server is a WINS server or one that can also be a CIFS server
(that is, a master browser).
Timeout (seconds)—Displays the initial time in seconds that the server waits for a response to an
NBNS query before sending the query to the next server.
Retries—Shows the number of times to retry sending an NBNS query to the configured servers, in
order. In other words, this is the number of times to cycle through the list of servers before returning
an error. The minimum number of retries is 0. The default number of retries is 2. The maximum
number of retries is 10.
Add/Edit—Click to add a NetBIOS server. This opens the Add or Edit NetBIOS Server dialog box.
Delete—Removes the highlighted NetBIOS row from the list.
Move Up/Move Down—The security appliance sends NBNS queries to the NetBIOS servers in the
order in which they appear in this box. Use this box to change the priority order of the servers by
moving them up or down in the list.
DNS Server Group—Selects the server to use as the DNS server group for this connection. The
default is DefaultDNS.
Manage—Opens the Configure DNS Server Groups dialog box.
Configure DNS Server Groups
This dialog box displays the configured DNS servers in a table, including the server group name, servers,
timeout in seconds, number of retries allowed, and domain name. You can add, edit, or delete DNS server
groups on this dialog box.
Add or Edit—Opens the Add or Edit DNS Server Group dialog box..
Delete—Removes the selected row from the table. There is no confirmation or undo.