Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 6 Configuring Basic Device Settings
Device Name/Password
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Device Name/Password
The Device Name/Password pane lets you set the hostname and domain name for the security appliance
and set the enable and telnet passwords.
The hostname appears in the command line prompt, and if you establish sessions to multiple devices, the
hostname helps you keep track of where you enter commands. The hostname is also used in system
For multiple context mode, the hostname that you set in the system execution space appears in the
command line prompt for all contexts. The hostname that you optionally set within a context does not
appear in the command line; it can be used for a banner.
The security appliance appends the domain name as a suffix to unqualified names. For example, if you
set the domain name to “example.com,” and specify a syslog server by the unqualified name of “jupiter,”
then the security appliance qualifies the name to “jupiter.example.com.”
The Telnet Password sets the login password. By default, it is “cisco.” Although this area is called Telnet
Password, this password applies to Telnet and SSH access. The login password lets you access EXEC
mode if you connect to the security appliance using a Telnet or SSH session. (If you configure user
authentication for Telnet or SSH access, then each user has their own password, and this login password
is not used.)
The enable password lets you access privileged EXEC mode after you log in. Also, this password is used
to access ASDM as the default user, which is blank. The default user shows as “enable_15” in the User
Accounts pane. (If you configure user authentication for enable access, then each user has their own
password, and this enable password is not used; see About Authentication, page 14-2. In addition, you
can configure authentication for HTTP/ASDM access.)
The Hostname and Domain Name area contains the following fields:
Hostname—Sets the hostname. The default hostname depends on your platform.
Domain Name—Sets the domain name. The default domain name is default.domain.invalid.
The Enable Password area contains the following fields. In multiple context mode, the Enable Password
area only appears in contexts; it does not appear in the system execution space.
Change the privileged mode password—Lets you change the enable password.
Old Password—Enter the old password.
New Password—Enter the new password.
Confirm New Password—Confirm the new password.
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System
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