Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 42 Monitoring VPN
VPN Statistics
N/A—Number of peers for which NAC is disabled according to the VPN NAC group policy.
Revalidate All—Click if the posture of the peers or the assigned access policies (that is, the
downloaded ACLs), have changed. Clicking this button initiates new, unconditional posture
validations of all NAC sessions managed by the security appliance. The posture validation and
assigned access policy that were in effect for each session before you clicked this button remain in
effect until the new posture validation succeeds or fails. Clicking this button does not affect sessions
that are exempt from posture validation.
Initialize All—Click if the posture of the peers or the assigned access policies (that is, the
downloaded ACLs) have changed, and you want to clear the resources assigned to the sessions.
Clicking this button purges the EAPoUDP associations and assigned access policies used for posture
validations of all NAC sessions managed by the security appliance, and initiates new, unconditional
posture validations. The NAC default ACL is effective during the revalidations, so the session
initializations can disrupt user traffic. Clicking this button does not affect sessions that are exempt
from posture validation.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Protocol Statistics
This panel displays the protocols used by currently active user and administrator sessions on the security
appliance. Each row in the table represents one protocol type.
Show Statistics For—Selects a specific server or group or all tunnel groups.
Protocol Statistics—Shows the statistics for all the protocols in use by currently active sessions.
Protocol—Lists the protocol to which the statistics in this row apply.
Sessions—Lists the number of sessions using this protocol.
Percentage—Indicates the percentage of sessions using this protocol relative to the total active
sessions, as a number. The sum of this column equals 100 percent (rounded).
Total Active Sessions—Shows the number of currently active sessions.
Cumulative Sessions—Shows the total number of sessions since the security appliance was last
booted or reset.
Refresh—Updates the statistics shown in the Protocol Statistics table.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System