Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 38 Clientless SSL VPN
AnyConnect Customization
Add—Opens the Add Bookmark Entry dialog box, on which you can configure a new server or URL
and display name.
Edit—Opens the Edit Bookmark Entry dialog box, on which you can configure a new server or URL
and display name.
Delete—Removes the selected item from the URL list. There is no confirmation or undo.
Move Up/Move Down—Changes the position of the selected item in the URL list.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Add Bookmark Entry
The Add Bookmark Entry dialog box lets you create a link or bookmark for a URL list.
Bookmark Title—Enter a name for the bookmark to display for the user.
URL (drop-down)—Use the pull-down menu to select the URL type: http, https, cifs, or ftp. The
URL types of all imported plug-ins also populate this menu. Select the URL type of a plug-in if you
want to display the plug-in as a link on the portal page.
URL (text box)—Enter the DNS name or IP address for the bookmark. For a plug-in, enter the name
of the server. Enter a forward slash and a question mark (/?) after the server name to specify optional
parameters, then use an ampersand to separate parameter-value pairs, as shown in the following
server/?Param eter =Valu e&Par amet er=Val ue
For example:
The particular plug-in determines the optional parameter-value pairs that you can enter.
To provide single sign-on support for a plug-in, use the parameter-value pair csco_sso=1. For
Subtitle—Provide additional user-visible text that describes the bookmark entry.
Thumbnail—Use the pull-down menu to select an icon to associate with the bookmark on the
end-user portal.
Manage—Click to import or export images to use as thumbnails.
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System
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