Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 14 Configuring AAA Servers and the Local Database
Testing Server Authentication and Authorization
Testing Server Authentication and Authorization
To determine whether the security appliance can contact an AAA server and authenticate or authorize a
user, perform the following steps:
Step 1 From the Configuration > Device Management > Users/AAA > AAA Server Groups > AAA Server
Groups table, click the server group where the server resides.
The row is highlighted in the table.
Step 2 From the Servers in the Selected Group table, click the server you want to test.
The row is highlighted in the table.
Step 3 Click Test .
The Test AAA Server dialog box appears for that server.
Step 4 Click the type of test you want to perform, Authentication or Authorization.
Step 5 In the Username field, add a username.
Step 6 If you are testing authentication, in the Password field, add the password for the username.
Step 7 Click OK.
The security appliance sends an authentication or authorization test message to the server. If the test
fails, ASDM displays an error message.
Adding a User Account
The local database is used for the following features:
ASDM per-user access
By default, you can log into ASDM with a blank username and the enable password (see Device
Name/Password, page 6-12). However, if you enter a username and password at the login screen
(instead of leaving the username blank), ASDM checks the local database for a match.
Hidden Values The hidden parameters for the HTTP POST request submitted to the
authenticating web server for SSO authentication. This parameter is
necessary only when it is expected by the authenticating web server as
indicated by its presence in the HTTP POST request. The maximum
number of characters is 2048.
Authentication Cookie
(Optional) The name of the cookie that is set by the server on
successful login and that contains the authentication information. It is
used to assign a meaningful name to the authentication cookie to help
distinguish it from other cookies that the web server may pass back.
The maximum number of characters is 128, and there is no minimum.
Field Description