Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 19 Adding Global Objects
Configuring Regular Expressions
Table 19-1 regex Metacharacters
Character Description Notes
.Dot Matches any single character. For example, d.g matches
dog, dag, dtg, and any word that contains those
characters, such as doggonnit.
(exp)Subexpression A subexpression segregates characters from surrounding
characters, so that you can use other metacharacters on
the subexpression. For example, d(o|a)g matches dog
and dag, but do|ag matches do and ag. A subexpression
can also be used with repeat quantifiers to differentiate
the characters meant for repetition. For example,
ab(xy){3}z matches abxyxyxyz.
|Alternation Matches either expression it separates. For example,
dog|cat matches dog or cat.
? Question mark A quantifier that indicates that there are 0 or 1 of the
previous expression. For example, lo?se matches lse or
Note You must enter Ctrl+V and then the question
mark or else the help function is invoked.
*Asterisk A quantifier that indicates that there are 0, 1 or any
number of the previous expression. For example, lo*se
matches lse, lose, loose, etc.
+Plus A quantifier that indicates that there is at least 1 of the
previous expression. For example, lo+se matches lose
and loose, but not lse.
{x} or {x,} Minimum repeat quantifier Repeat at least x times. For example, ab(xy){2,}z
matches abxyxyz, abxyxyxyz, and so on.
[abc]Character class Matches any character in the brackets. For example,
[abc] matches a, b, or c.
[^abc]Negated character class Matches a single character that is not contained within
the brackets. For example, [^abc] matches any character
other than a, b, or c. [^A-Z] matches any single
character that is not an uppercase letter.
[a-c]Character range class Matches any character in the range. [a-z] matches any
lowercase letter. You can mix characters and ranges:
[abcq-z] matches a, b, c, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, and so
does [a-cq-z].
The dash (-) character is literal only if it is the last or the
first character within the brackets: [abc-] or [-abc].
"" Quotation marks Preserves trailing or leading spaces in the string. For
example, “ test” preserves the leading space when it
looks for a match.
^Caret Specifies the beginning of a line.
\Escape character When used with a metacharacter, matches a literal
character. For example, \[ matches the left square