Cisco ASDM User Guide
Chapter 11 Configuring Dynamic And Static Routing
Dynamic Routing
Add/Edit OSPF Redistribution Entry
The Add/Edit OSPF Redistribution Entry dialog box lets you add a new redistribution rule to or edit an
existing redistribution rule in the Redistribution table. Some of the redistribution rule information cannot
be changed when you are editing an existing redistribution rule.
OSPF Process—Choose the OSPF process associated with the route redistribution entry. If you are
editing an existing redistribution rule, you cannot change this setting.
Protocol—Choose the source protocol the routes are being redistributed from. You can choose one
of the following options:
Static—Redistribute static routes into the OSPF routing process.
Connected—Redistribute connected routes (routes established automatically by virtue of
having IP enabled on the interface) into the OSPF routing process. Connected routes are
redistributed as external to the AS.
OSPF—Redistribute routes from another OSPF routing process. Choose the OSPF process ID
from the list.
RIP—Redistribute routes from the RIP routing process.
EIGRP—Redistribute routes from the EIGRP routing process. Choose the autonomous system
number of the EIGRP routing process from the list.
Match—Displays the conditions used for redistributing routes from another OSPF routing process
into the selected OSPF routing process. These options are not available when redistributing static,
connected, RIP, or EIGRP routes. The routes must match the selected condition to be redistributed.
You can choose one or more of the following match conditions:
Internal—The route is internal to a specific AS.
External 1—Routes that are external to the autonomous system, but are imported into OSPF as
Type 1 external routes.
External 2—Routes that are external to the autonomous system, but are imported into OSPF as
Type 2 external routes.
NSSA External 1—Routes that are external to the autonomous system, but are imported into
OSPF as Type 2 NSSA routes.
NSSA External 2—Routes that are external to the autonomous system, but are imported into
OSPF as Type 2 NSSA routes.
Metric Value—Specify the metric value for the routes being redistributed. Valid values range from
1 to 16777214. When redistributing from one OSPF process to another OSPF process on the same
device, the metric will be carried through from one process to the other if no metric value is
specified. When redistributing other processes to an OSPF process, the default metric is 20 when no
metric value is specified.
Metric Type—Choose “1” if the metric is a Type 1 external route, “2” if the metric is a Type 2
external route.
Tag Value—The tag value is a 32-bit decimal value attached to each external route. This is not used
by OSPF itself. It may be used to communicate information between ASBRs. Valid values range
from 0 to 4294967295.
Use Subnets—Check this check box to enable the redistribution of subnetted routes. Uncheck this
check box to cause only routes that are not subnetted to be redistributed.
Route Map—Enter the name of the route map to apply to the redistribution entry.