Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Chapter8 Establishing Cisco Secure ACS System Configuration Cisco Secure ACS Backup
Backup File LocationsThe default directory for backup files is the following:
drive:\path\CSAuth\System Backups
where drive is the local drive where you installed CiscoSecure ACS and path is
the path from the root of drive to the Cisco Secure ACS directory. For example,
if you installed Cisco Secure ACS Version 3.0 in the default location, the default
backup location would be:
c:\Program Files\CiscoSecure ACS v3.0\CSAuth\System Backups
The filename given to a backup is determined by CiscoSecure ACS. For more
information about filenames assigned to backup files generated by
Cisco Secure ACS, see the “Backup File Names and Locations” section on
page 8-45.
Directory ManagementYou can configure the number of backup f iles to keep and the number of days after
which backup files are deleted. The more complex your configuration and the
more often you back up the system, the more diligent we recommend you be about
clearing out old databases from the Cisco Secure ACS server hard drive.
Components Backed UpThe ACS System Backup utility backs up the Cisco Secure ACS user database and
information from the Windows Registry that is relevant to Cisco Secure ACS. The
user database backup includes all user information, such as username, password,
and other authentication information, including server certificates and the
certificate trust list. The Windows Registry information includes any system
information that is stored in the Windows Registry, such as NDG information,
AAA client configuration, and administrator accounts.