Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
AppendixG O DBC Import Definitions Action Codes
Action Codes for Creating and Modifying User Accounts
Tabl e G-3 lists the action codes for creating, modifying, and deleting user
Note Before you can modify a user account, such as assigning a password, you must
create the user account, either in the HTML interface or by using the
ADD_USER action (action code: 100).
Transactions using these codes affect the configuration displayed in the User
Setup section of the HTML interface. For more information about the User Setup
section, see Chapter 7, Setting Up and Managing User Accounts.
VAL U E UN|GN, AI, VN Delete value (VN) for app (AI) and user (UN).
TableG-2 Action Codes for Setting and Deleting Values (continued)
Code Name Required Description
TableG-3 User Creation and Modification Action Codes
Code Name Required Description
100 ADD_USER UN, V1 Create a user (32 characters maximum). V1 is used as
the initial password. Optionally, the user can also be
assigned to a group.
101 DELETE_USER UN Remove a user.
102 SET_PAP_PASS UN, V1 Set the PAP password for a user (64 ASCII characters
maximum). CHAP/ARAP will also default to this.
103 SET_CHAP_PASS UN, V1 Set the CHAP/ARAP password for a user (64
characters maximum).
CHAP_PASS UN, V1 Sets the CHAP/ARAP password for a user (32
characters maximum).