Chapter8 E stablishing CiscoSecure ACS System Configuration
IP Pools Server
Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Step 4 To have Cisco Secure ACS send an e-mail when an event occurs, follow these
a. Select the Email notification of event check box.
b. In the To box, type the e-mail address to which CiscoSecure ACS should
send event notification e-mail.
Note Do not use underscores in the e-mail addresses you type in this
c. In the SMTP Mail Server box, type the hostname of the sending email server.
Note The SMTP mail server must be operational and must be available
from the Cisco Secure ACS server.
Step 5 If you want to setup system monitoring, procee d to the “Setting Up System
Monitoring” section on page 8-50.
Step 6 If you are done setting up Cisco Secure ACS Service Management, click Submit.
Result: Cisco Secure ACS implements the service management settings you
IP Pools ServerThe IP Pools Server feature enables you to assign the same IP address to multiple
users, provided that the users are on different segments of the network. This
means you can re-use IP addresses and reduce the number of IP addresses on your
network. When you enable this feature, Cisco Secure ACS dynamically issues IP
addresses from the IP pools you have defined by number or name. You can
configure up to 999 IP pools, for approximately 255,000 users.
If you are using IP pooling and proxy, all accounting packets are proxied so that
the Cisco Secure ACS that is assigning the IP addresses can confirm whether an
IP address is already in use.