Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
AppendixD RA DIUS Attributes Cisco VPN 5000 Concentrator Dictionary of RADIUS VSAs
Cisco VPN 5000 Concentrator Dictionary of RADIUS VSAs
Cisco Secure ACS supports the Cisco VPN 5000 RADIUS VSAs. The vendor ID
for this Cisco RADIUS Implementation is 255. Table D -4 lists the supported
Cisco VPN 5000 Concentrator RADIUS VSAs.
Cisco Building Broadband Service Manager Dictionary of RADIUS VSA
Cisco Secure ACS supports a Cisco Building Broadband Service Manager
(BBSM) RADIUS VSA. The vendor ID for this Cisco RADIUS Implementation
is 5263. Tabl e D-5 lists the supported Cisco BBSM RA DIUS VSA .
TableD-4 Cisco VPN 5000 Concentrator RADIUS VSAs
Attribute Number Type of Value
CVPN5000-Tunnel-Throughput 001 integer
CVPN5000-Client-Assigned-IP 002 string
CVPN5000-Client-Real-IP 003 string
CVPN5000-VPN-GroupInfo 004 string
CVPN5000-VPN-Password 005 string
CVPN5000-Echo 006 integer
CVPN5000-Client-Assigned-IPX 007 integer
Attribute Number Type of Value
CBBSM-Bandwidth 001 integer