Chapter10 Se tting Up and Managing Administrators and Policy
Administrator Accounts
Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Note Cisco Secure ACS administrator accounts have no correlation with
Cisco Secure ACS user accounts or username/password authentication.
Cisco Secure ACS stores accounts created for authentication of network
service requests and those created for Cisco Secure ACS administrative access
in separate internal databases.
This section contains the following topics:
Administrator Privileges, page10-2
Adding an Administrator Account, page 10-6
Editing an Administrator Account, page 10-7
Deleting an Administrator Account, page 10-9
Administrator Privileges
You can grant appropriate privileges to each CiscoSecure ACS administrator by
assigning privileges on an administrator-by-administrator basis. You control
privileges by selecting the options in the Administrator Privileges table on the
Add Administrator or Edit Administrator pages. These options are listed below:
User and Group SetupContains the following privilege options for the
User Setup and Group Setup sections of the HTML interface:
Add/Edit users in these groupsEnables the administrator to add or
edit users and to assign users to the groups in the Editable groups list.
Setup of these groupsEnables the administrator to edit the settings for
the groups in the Editable groups list.
Available GroupsLists the user groups for which the administrator
does not have edit privileges and to which the administrator cannot add
Editable GroupsLists the user groups for which the administrator
does have edit privileges to which the administrator account can add