Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
AppendixD RA DIUS Attributes Ascend Dictionary of RADIUS AV Pairs
Ascend Dictionary of RADIUS AV Pairs
Cisco Secure ACS supports the Ascend RADIUS AV pairs. Tabl e D-10 contains
Ascend RADIUS dictionary translations for parsing requests and generating
responses. All transactions are composed of AV pai rs. The value of each attribute
is specified as one of the following valid data types:
string0-253 octets
abinary0-254 octets
ipaddr4 octets in network byte order
integer32-bit value in big endian order (high byte first)
call filterDefines a call filter for the profile
Note RADIUS filters are retrieved only when a call is placed using a
RADIUS outgoing profile or answered using a RADIUS incoming
profile. Filter entries are applied in the order in which they are
entered. If you make changes to a filter in an Ascend RADIUS profile,
the changes do not take effect until a call uses that profile.
date32-bit value in big-endian order. For example, seconds since 00: 00:00
universal time (UT), January 1, 1970
enumEnumerated values are stored in the user file with dictionary value
translations for easy administration.
TableD-10 Ascend RADIUS Attributes
Attribute Number Type of Value
Dictionary of Ascend Attributes
User-Name 1 string
Password 2 string
Challenge-Response 3 string
NAS-Identifier 4 ipaddr
NAS-Port 5 integer
User-Service 6 integer