Glossary | 129 |
Decay Rate (slow, medium, fast) Determines how fast a channel gates off after hold time expires. Default is medium.
Default meter The input/output displayed on the front panel LED meter when a input/output meter is not specifically selected elsewhere.
Delay A setting in the Processing window. Delay calculates the amount of signal delay (up to 500ms) based on the distance between audio source and audience and the temperature.
Device ID A number which identifies the unit when multiple units of the same device type are connected in an
Device Type A number which identifies the type of unit. For example, a PSR1212 is device type 5.
DSP Digital signal processor.
Expansion bus Consists of two
Expansion bus reference One of the PA adapt reference options. The expansion bus reference allows you to reference an output on a networked unit.
Filter A device that passes and blocks audio signals based on
•All Pass A filter that provides only phase shift or phase delay without appreciably changing the magnitude characteristic. The filter produces a flat amplitude response. It is useful for matching the delay of two processing channels with different delays.
•High Pass A filter that passes high signal frequencies while attenuating low frequencies. The gain or loss
•High Shelving Provides boosting or attenuation of frequencies above a designated frequency. The transition between the spectrum above and below the designated frequency occurs at a fixed 6dB/octave rate. The gain or loss above the corner frequency is adjustable to
•Low Pass A filter that passes low frequencies while attenuating high frequencies.
•Low Shelving Provides boosting or attenuation of frequencies below a designated frequency. The transition between the spectrum above and below