68 Chapter 4: Programming CommandsRevision D 12/09
Define downloaded bit image
ASCII | GS * n1 n2 d1 ... dn] |
Hexadecimal | 1D 2A n1 n2 d1 ... dn] |
Decimal | 29 42 n1 n2 d1 ... dn] |
Value of n: |
Value of n1 | Value of n2 | Value of d |
| Bytes of data (printed down, then across) |
1The number of bytes sent is represented by the following formula: n = 8 x n1 x n2 (n1 x n2 must be less than or equal to 4608).
Enters a downloaded bit image (such as a logo) into RAM or flash with the number of dots specified by n1 and n2. If in RAM, the downloaded bit image is available until power is turned off, another bit image is defined, or initialize printer (1B
40)command is received. This bit image will be saved as a monochrome logo indexed by current value that was last set by the select current logo command or 0 is a select current logo command had not yet been given.
See the illustration below for a graphic representation of the downloaded bit image.