DANGER: Sharp blades!
Most injuries caused by saw blades occur when the saw has been turned off. Handle blades with care at all times.
●Always wear
●Always lock out power to the saw before opening the cutting chamber.
●Always wait until the saw has completely stopped before opening the cabinet door.
CTS saws are equipped with several safety devices to ensure safe operation. Never remove or disable these devices to sustain production. Operating without these devices can cause severe injury.
The Troubleshooting section covers problems directly related to the operation and maintenance of the saw. This section does not provide solutions to problems that originate with other equipment. Additional troubleshooting help can be found in manuals supplied with the other equipment.
The main problems you will see with the saw are:
●Saw operation problems, which focus on problems that are clearly related to the operation of the saw’s electrical control systems.
●Plastic product quality concerns, which deal with prod- uct characteristics that may be related to saw operation. Of course, other sections of the extrusion line also influ- ence the quality of the extruded product. This section does not provide solutions to problems originating with other equipment on the extrusion line.
Additional troubleshooting help can be found in the manufac- turer’s manuals included with this User Guide.