Creating Labels Using Internal Batch Software
3.4 Print Label Screen
The Print Label Screen is used to print labels that have been formatted and/or modified in the Create/Modify Label Screen. From the Create/Modify Label Screen, press the F1 key to toggle to the Print Label Screen. The screen should look like this:
MODULE NAME: ______________
LABEL NAME: ________________
QUANTITY: _______________
Figure 3-5 Print Label Screen
When viewing the Print Label Screen, the procedure for printing a label is as follows:
1.Enter the Label Name you want to print and press the return key. The cursor will move to the Quantity Position. If the Printer does not find the Label Name you entered, you will receive an error message and will need to
2.Enter a number not more than four digits long to indicate the quantity of labels you wish to print and press the return key. The maximum number of labels per run is 9999.
3.Depending on how the label is set up, the cursor may move to the Initial Increment or Initial Decrement position if a consecutive number or letter was specified as a data type. Or, the cursor may move to a prompting position if a P was specified as a data type. Enter the
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