dCS 974 User Manual | Manual for Software Version 1.0x |
dCS Ltd | May 2001 |
selecting an input........................................... | 11 |
selecting DSD Quad input ............................. | 12 |
selecting DSD SDIF input.............................. | 12 |
selecting Dual AES input ............................... | 12 |
selecting Quad AES input.............................. | 12 |
selecting | 11 |
Self Test, display ........................................... | 55 |
serial number, unit ......................................... | 67 |
service ......................................................... | 118 |
Set button ...................................................... | 68 |
setting output mode ................................. | 15, 17 |
setting output sample rate ............................. | 16 |
setups, recalling............................................. | 63 |
setups, storing ............................................... | 61 |
signal generator............................................. | 53 |
Single AES output, connecting...................... | 18 |
single wire output mode................................. | 45 |
single wire outputs, FC .................................. | 15 |
single wire outputs, SRC ............................... | 17 |
size ................................................................ | 92 |
software issue................................................ | 56 |
software updates, downloading..................... | 67 |
software version .......................................... | 124 |
software, updating ....................................... | 117 |
SPDIF electrical interface............................. | 86 |
SPDIF input, selecting ................................... | 11 |
SPDIF inputs.................................................. | 66 |
SPDIF Message Edit menu ........................... | 48 |
SPDIF message handling........................ | 88, 89 |
SPDIF optical interface.................................. | 87 |
SPDIF output, connecting.............................. | 18 |
SPDIF outputs ............................................... | 67 |
specifications, digital interface....................... | 86 |
spurious responses ....................................... | 74 |
spurs .............................................................. | 74 |
SQNR ............................................................ | 71 |
Status button.................................................. | 68 |
10 | |
stereo image is out of position..................... | 121 |
stereo image is poor .................................... | 121 |
Store button ............................................. | 61, 68 |
store, aborting................................................ | 64 |
storing setups ................................................ | 61 |
supply voltage.............................................. | 114 |
supply voltage setting .................................... | 67 |
Swap Channels menu ................................... | 49 |
Sync Input...................................................... | 66 |
Sync link .................................................. | 42, 81 |
sync link, using ............................ | 29, 30, 31, 42 |
Sync Source menu........................................ | 41 | |
sync source setting ....................................... | 13 | |
sync to AES Ref...................................... | 14, 41 | |
sync to Audio Input ....................................... | 41 | |
sync to Internal clock .................................... | 41 | |
sync to video sample rates ......................... | 114 | |
sync to Wordclock................................... | 13, 41 | |
T |
Test menu ............................................... | 39, 53 | |
tone on outputs ........................................... | 121 | |
top menu ....................................................... | 38 | |
troubleshooting ........................................... | 120 | |
truncating the wordlength.............................. | 19 | |
truncation .................................................... | 104 | |
truncation spectra ......................... | 96, 106, 107 | |
typical applications........................................ | 22 | |
typical spurious performance, PCM | .............. 74 | |
U |
units, definition of ........................................ | 124 | |
Unlocked indicator ........................................ | 69 | |
unlocking front panel..................................... | 64 | |
updating the software.................................. | 117 | |
upsampling a CD .......................................... | 24 | |
upsampling CD to 24/192 ............................. | 27 | |
V |
video sync ................................................... | 114 | |
W |
warranty ...................................................... | 118 | |
warranty, exclusions ................................... | 118 | |
warranty, extended ............................. | 118, 131 | |
warranty, initial ............................................ | 118 | |
weight............................................................ | 92 | |
weighting, E .................................................. | 84 | |
weighting, F..................................... | 84, 85, 105 | |
word length reduction.................................. | 104 | |
Wordclock alignment..................................... | 78 | |
wordclock | 66 | |
Wordclock In, terminating ............................. | 66 | |
Wordclock input ............................................ | 66 | |
Wordclock Loop Out ..................................... | 66 | |
Wordclock output .......................................... | 67 | |
Wordclock, sync to........................................ | 13 | |
wordlength, reducing..................................... | 19 |
Manual part no: DOC1241121A1 | Page 129 | Document No: |
Contact dCS on + 44 1799 531 999 | email to: more@dcsltd.co.uk |
(inside the UK replace + 44 with 0) | web site: www.dcsltd.co.uk |