dCS 974 User Manual

Manual for Software Version 1.0x

dCS Ltd

May 2001



Top Menu

The top menu contains the major entries: - Sample Rate Conversion, Format Conversion, Error Monitoring, Test, Info, Bit Activity Monitors, Level Meters and Display – as follows:

In many cases, the settings in one menu do not affect those in others. In other cases they do, and where this occurs the menu will automatically adjust to allow only valid options.

The unit can operate in one of two main modes – Sample Rate Converter (SRC) mode and Format Converter (FC) mode. In SRC mode, the unit performs DSP on the signal and gain is always reduced by 0.01dB. This is because many of the other operations, such as dithering or noise shaping, add a small amplitude signal, so we reduce the amplitude a small amount to prevent spurious clips.

It also means that for simple operations such as Dual AES in to double speed AES out, bits in will not be the same as bits out. Because in some cases this is important, the unit can also operate in FC mode. FC mode has no (0dB) signal drop, and will not allow operations that can cause audio data bit changes – but it does allow bit for bit copies of signals to be made in different digital formats. It also allows message editing, but many of the other options available in SRC mode are removed from the menus while FC mode is active.

SRC mode offers all the options of FC mode – FC mode just turns off the options that affect bit for bit performance. There are no options that are just available in FC mode.

Sample Rate Conversion

The default setting is Sample Rate Conversion (SRC) mode on, Format Conversion (FC) mode Off. Pressing will open the Sample Rate Conversion menu.

Manual part no: DOC1241121A1

Page 38

Document No: OS-MA-A0124-112.1A1

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