dCS 974 User Manual

Manual for Software Version 1.0x

dCS Ltd

May 2001

The cursor has changed to to indicate that the bottom level has been reached. Turning the rotary control will move the cursor up and down the list. Now press the Set button to accept Gain and the cursor changes to to indicate that this parameter (Gain) may now be adjusted using the rotary control. Turn the control either way and the Gain changes in 0.1dB steps. When the required setting is reached, press Set and the cursor will change back to .

Pressing when the cursor is or returns to the previous menu level.

Pressing Set when the cursor is and the option cannot be adjusted (e.g. AES 1 in the Audio Input Select menu) selects that option and returns to the previous menu level.

From the Status screen, pressing any of the four Operation buttons displays the last menu level used.

Pressing the Status button when the cursor is or displays the Status screen for the selected menu.

Manual part no: DOC1241121A1

Page 37

Document No: OS-MA-A0124-112.1A1

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