Speaking with Two Subscribers Alternately (Toggling)
Using the Eumex 704PC LAN you can toggle between two subscribers, i.e. speak to them alternately. They can be internal or external subscribers. External subscribers who are on hold hear an announcement from the exchange.
c You are having a conversation and want to make an enquiry call to a second sub- scriber.
Press the R-key.
You now have the following options:
•dial an internal number or
•dial 0 and an external number. dial 0 and an external number.
Press the
When you want to terminate the call with the active subscriber, press the
rIf the currently active subscriber replaces the handset during the call, press the
c d
Continue your conversation.
Replace the handset to terminate the call.
External calls without call transfer (ECT): If you are making a call with two exter- nal subscribers and you replace the handset, the conversation with the active subscriber is terminated and you are automatically recalled by the subscriber who is on hold.
External calls with call transfer (ECT): If you are in a call with two external sub- scribers and you replace the handset, the two external subscribers are con- nected.