wire. With the key in the off position the LED tester should be extinguished in all key positions except the crank position. In the crank position your LED tester should illuminate Red, and will extinguish when the starter disengages.
note: Always check the Web site information on your vehicle for warnings regarding the starter wire and check engine lights. Some vehicles will trip a check engine light if the starter wire is cut.
Once you locate the starter wire, cut the wire in half (check the web information before cutting) and try to start the vehicle. If the vehicle does not start, the correct wire has been identified. Reconnect both ends the starter wire while soldering the thick VIOLET (1) wire of the heavy gauge wires to it and wrap the connection with electrical tape.
Many Nissan vehicles have two starter wires. A relay (not provided) is required to hook up the additional starter wire. Refer to the diagram below.
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