2.Use ↑ and ↓ to select the desired month, day or year, then press ENT. To clear the information screen, press EXIT.
Tide Information
Navionics charts contain Tidal Information, represented at large zoom ranges by a box icon with the letter "T." The icon stands for a Tidal Station location. An example is displayed at right.
When you zoom in to a sufficiently small zoom range, the icon itself be- comes an animated gauge showing a rising or falling tidal height for the selected station at the present time. At larger zoom ranges, you can se- lect the boxed "T" icon and it becomes an animated gauge with a
To view tide information:
1.Select a Tide Station icon: use the arrow keys to move the cursor over an icon. When it is selected, a
2.After selecting the Tide Station icon, press WPT to display the Tide Information screen.
Pop-up name box
Cursor line
Tide Station icon
Navionics chart showing Tide Station icon selected by cursor.
In the example above, the tide is at 1.5 feet and rising,
as shown by the up arrow at the top of the icon.