Introduction to GPS and WAAS
Well, now you know the basics of how the unit does its work. You might be ready to jump ahead to Section 2, Installation & Accessories, on page 11, so you can mount your IntelliMap 500C and plug in the power. Or you might want to see how our text formatting makes the manual tuto- rials easy to skim. If that's the case, move on to "How to Use This Man- ual" on page 8. But, if you want to understand the current state of sat- ellite navigation, look over this segment describing how GPS and its new companion WAAS work together to get you where you're going.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) was launched July 17, 1995 by the United States Department of Defense. It was designed as a 24-
GPS proved so useful for civilian navigation that the federal govern- ment discontinued SA on May 2, 2000, after the military developed other methods to deny GPS service to enemy forces. Reliable accuracy for civilian users jumped from 100 meters (330 feet) under SA to the present level of 10 to 20 meters (about 30 to 60 feet.)
A minimum of three satellites are required to determine a 2D fix.